
Hypno-Transformation: How to Transform Someone Into Anything

To use hypno-transformation to transform someone into anything, hypnotize them by describing the thing they will become, then tell them they will become the new thing. Give them explicit details of what they will think, what they will focus on, what will be important to them, and how they will act. Finally, add in the physical details of any changes, and hypnotic triggers to act as on/off switches.

One of the things we can do with hypnosis is turning people into something else. This process is known as hypno-transformation, and it can be used for meditation and introspection, deep personal work, or even just for fun.

When we are hypnotically transforming someone for meditation, it’s often best to make them into objects that are not typically considered sentient: Rocks, trees, the ocean, the planet Earth, or even the entire universe.

For deep personal work, I usually prefer to send someone on a shamanic journey into a hypnotic reality. They can then move around hypnotic symbols to become a new, improved version of themselves. And because it’s them adjusting the symbols, the new version is entirely of their choosing. They can make any change they desire, because they don’t have to fear telling anyone about it. Not even me.

To use transformation hypnosis as a part of deep personal work, transform them into the new version of themselves. Cement it in by bringing them in and out of that new version of themselves a few times, eventually leaving them in the new version when they’re ready.

And for fun hypno-transformation, there are many possibilities. Naturally, there’s all of the above. On top of those, lots of people enjoy being transformed into kittens, puppies, and just about anything else you can imagine.

Here’s how to use hypnosis to transform someone into anything.

1. Set yourself up for success

There’s a secret about hypnosis that non-hypnotists may not know.

The success of hypnosis sessions depends significantly on the environment you create.

Luckily, it’s easy to take a few simple steps to maximize your chances of having a good session.

Start off by allowing yourself to become enthusiastic and building some rapport with your subject.

As you do so, have them do things that get them used to following your instructions. If they’re in your office, get them to sit in a chair, check that their phone is in silent mode, and have them adjust how they’re sitting a little to make sure they’re comfortable. And if you’re hypnotizing them online, have them do things like put out any pets, ask other people not to disturb them, turn off notifications, radio, TV, and so on, and fetch themselves a glass of water.

Have them remove any contact lenses and explain that it’s because often the eyes roll back in hypnosis. Even if they don’t wear contact lenses, asking the question will help them to believe that something unusual is about to happen.

The Hypnotic Mind book cover

Each thing you can get them to do will cause them to become more comfortable with following along with you. And when those things are things which also help them to have a good session, it makes sense for them to simply comply.

By the way, if your subject doesn’t comply with such requests, it’s usually best to not take them any further.

Ask them about their experiences with hypnosis. If they have any ideas about hypnosis that aren’t true, reframe those ideas one at a time so that they do not interfere with your session.

When someone has been hypnotized before, ask them about that experience. If it was a good experience, you can have them describe what it was like to start moving them into hypnosis. And if it wasn’t, you can manage their expectations by giving them reasons why what you’re about to do is different.

Finally, when you’re ready, go into hypnosis yourself and ask them if they’re ready to begin.

2. Describe the thing your subject will become

As with most things in hypnosis, just about any induction will be effective.

However, when the goal is hypno-transformation, I like to start out by simply describing the thing that they will become.

The trick here is to engage all of your subject’s senses.

When the image becomes solid enough in their mind, and it is occupying all of their thoughts, they will go into hypnosis.

So talk about all of the properties of that thing.

If they’re becoming a rock, talk about how solid and timeless it is. Go into the details of the texture on the surface. Talk about veins of different minerals running through it. Describe how it feels warm in the sun.

Similarly, if you’re transforming them into a kitten, talk about how soft and warm kittens are. Describe the sensation of stroking the kitten’s fur, and scratching it behind the ears. Mention how the kitten responds by purring or swatting with its paws. And then move onto how they like to explore and play.

Whatever your subject is becoming, keep on talking about that thing and describing it until you can clearly see at least one sign that they are in hypnosis.

Incidentally, if you have difficulty getting your subject into hypnosis with your description, you can run any induction before you start this section and then start the description once they’re already in hypnosis. This is rarely necessary since vivid descriptions are innately hypnotic.

3. Start the hypno-transformation process

For clarity, I’ll talk about turning your subject into a kitten. You can substitute appropriate words for whatever hypno-transformation you are creating.

Once it has become clear your subject is in hypnosis, it’s time to gradually move them inside your vivid description of the rock or kitten or whatever.

Do this without explicitly telling them about it.

I like to start off the transition by making an idle comment along the lines of I wonder what it might be like to actually be a kitten.

Next, tell them to imagine what it might be like to be that kitten. Talk about this for a few sentences, and slowly switch from talking about imagining that they are a kitten to talking as if they are one.

As you’re working through the process, enhance your results by placing emphasis on expressions like be that kitten to turn them into embedded commands.

4. Tell your subject how they will feel, think and act

In order for hypno-transformation to be effective, it’s important to shape the way that your subject feels, thinks and behaves.

In the case of our kitten transformation, spend some time talking about the kinds of things that are important to kittens.

Tell them that they’ll be excited to explore, to chase things, and to catch things. And to nap.

Describe in detail what it will feel like when they’re crouched low to the ground so that they’re invisible and can hunt. Tell them that they will feel supremely confident.

Go into depth about how they’ll move on all fours, and feel the breeze tickling their fur.

Tell them that they will think in English, that only mews and meows will come out when they speak, and that they will perceive those mews and meows as being English.

Make your descriptions of how your subject will feel, think and act so vivid that even if they have never heard of a kitten before they will still be able to have the experience of being one.

This part is especially important when you are using hypnosis to transform your subject into something they may have no idea about, such as an alien.

If you have an exceptional subject, you can also tell them that when they look at their body, they will see whatever you’ve transformed them into.

5. [Optional] Create hypno-transformation triggers

By this point, your subject should have a vivid picture of exactly what it is like to be the kitten or whatever else you are hypnotically transforming them into.

In order to be able to switch that experience on and off on demand, we need to create a couple of hypnotic triggers.

A hypnotic trigger is something that our subjects can perceive that causes them to automatically take some kind of action.

In this case, we want our subject to be able to become a kitten and return to normal on demand.

Hypnotic triggers are created by telling our subject what will happen when they experience the trigger. In the case of transforming them into something else with hypnosis, we usually want to make sure that the trigger will only ever fire in controlled circumstances.

To do this, we create the trigger by saying something like:

Now right now you’re enjoying being a kitten, and it seems like you’d like to experience being a kitten like that even more in the future, wouldn’t you. From now on, only when it is safe and appropriate for you to do so, you will instantly revert to being a kitten like this every time you hear me say the phrase KITTEN MODE NOW. It feels right to become the kitten that you are so whenever you hear me say the phrase KITTEN MODE NOW, you will find that you instantly become this kitten again, loving to explore, chase and catch things, mew and meow and do other kitten things.

Continue on like that for a little while. The rule of thumb is that when we create hypnotic triggers, we want to repeat each concept about 3 times to make sure it sticks. Riff around the basic ideas that they will become a kitten and what that will be like every time they hear the trigger phrase.

The trigger to return to normal is similar, and naturally does not have to be anywhere near as constrained:

Every time you hear me say the phrase RETURN TO NORMAL NOW, you will instantly return to normal, remembering exactly what it was like when you were something other than human. The phrase RETURN TO NORMAL NOW will always immediately return you to feeling, thinking and acting human.

And so on.

6. Allow your subject to have the experience

Now that everything’s set up, you have a couple of options. If you’ve created triggers for hypnotic transformation, it’s usually best to bring your subject out of hypnosis and test the triggers right away.

Testing the triggers immediately cements them in, and it’s important to do this before your subject starts to forget.

If you haven’t created any triggers, tell your subject that they are now whatever you were transforming them into, and have them be that thing for a while.

How long you allow them to explore being that kitten or rock or whatever depends heavily on available time, the purpose behind it, and other constraints.

For example, if the purpose is meditation and they are an experienced meditator, it might be appropriate to allow them to experience being a rock for hours.

On the other hand, if you’ve made them into a kitten for fun, a shorter duration may be more suitable.

7. Bring your subject out of hypnosis

Eventually it will be time to bring your subject out of hypnosis and back into the waking world.

To bring your subject out of hypnosis, remind them that they are in fact a human being. Have them stretch their arms and legs, and tell them that their thoughts, feelings and behaviors will return to normal now.

Tell them that they will come up out of hypnosis on the count of three, then count them up. Remind them that any triggers you created are now a part of them and will always work until you remove them.

It looks something like this:

One. Arms and legs stretching, thoughts and feelings returning to your regular human thoughts and feelings. Two. Knowing that the phrases KITTEN MODE NOW and RETURN TO NORMAL NOW are now a part of you and will always work every time you hear me say them only when it’s safe and appropriate. Three. Shake your head and blink your eyes three times, eyes wide open, fully awake and feeling amazing in every way.

As usual, check in with your subject and ask them about their experience in a positive way.

8. [Optional] Test any hypno-transformation triggers

If you’ve installed any hypnotic transformation triggers, test them right away.

To do this, simply say something to your subject like Okay are you ready to become that kitten now?

And then when they say yes, say the phrase KITTEN MODE NOW.

Have them be a kitten for a bit, then bring them out again with the phrase RETURN TO NORMAL NOW.

Naturally, if you’ve created different hypno-transformation trigger phrases, use the ones you created in place of mine.

If you want the triggers to persist over time, use them a few times right away to cement them into your subject’s mind.

9. Go over some hypno-transformation examples

After reading through all of that, you might be wondering exactly what to say in order to actually hypnotically transform someone into something else.

So I’ve put together some example hypnotic transformation scripts. You can either use these as is by reading them out loud to your subjects, or you can write your own scripts to suit your style.

Go check them out right now!

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