
How To Turn Water Into Wine With Hypnosis

To turn water into wine, recreate the effects of wine in the hypnosis subject, then anchor them to a specific glass of water. This is done by having the subject recall each of the visceral sensations that arise when drinking their favorite wine, returning them to neutral and restarting from the beginning for each step. The process is significantly enhanced when the hypnotist uses self-hypnosis to model the state in themselves first.

As an added bonus, because it’s a hypnotic process, all the nasty side-effects of real alcohol can be left out.

This process can be used not only to cause someone to experience wine when drinking water, but also to recreate any state the subject has experienced.

How To Use Hypnosis To Lead People To Altered States

The key to leading someone into a different state lies in making the steps small enough that they can easily do it.

Human brains run mostly on association. A consequence of this associative functionality is that it’s generally much easier for us to access things that are closely linked inside our minds.

This is why it’s easy for us to remember happy memories when we’re happy, and it’s why it is easier for us to recall sad memories when we are sad.

The more closely things are associated with our current state inside our minds, the easier they are to recall.

We can use this in hypnosis to guide people through states. This is what we do with every hypnotic induction. We start from where our subject is at currently, and then move them in small steps to where they would like to be.

When we do this in small enough steps, even the most resistant subjects can typically be led into deep trance.

If you look closely, you’ll notice that this is the underlying mechanism behind just about everything I cover on this site.

There are two basic ways this can be done.

If the subject has already experienced the state, we can ask them to remember a time when they were experiencing it, and then build it up step-by-step.

And when the subject has not already experienced the state, we can lead them to it in small steps by giving a vivid, multi-sensory description, and having them use their imagination to make it real for them.

Both of these processes are significantly enhanced when our subject is in hypnosis.

As with all other hypnotic processes, leading people into altered states tends to work best when we hypnotize ourselves first and take on the state so that they can follow us there.

Real Hypnotic Synthehol: Turn Water Into Alcohol

This Water Into Wine process can be used to have someone experience any drink when they drink water. For best results, be sure to use a specific unique glass so that it only happens when they want it to.

In the past I’ve used it on myself to create experiences of wine, scotch, and even coffee.

And since the effects are hypnotic, they can be easily dismissed, making this a real version of synthehol!

Here are the steps to hypnotize someone to experience water as if it were wine:

1. Have your subject remember a time they had wine

Ask your subject to remember a time they had their favorite wine. This generally works best if there are some fairly strong positive emotions around it, so ask them questions to focus them in on a time when it was fun.

Have them tell you about it a bit, and get them to describe the sensations.

In doing this, we’re building an agreement frame and also starting to induce hypnosis at the same time as gathering information.

2. Start To Model The Water Into Wine Process

Ask your subject about the first thing they do when they consume that wine.

It’s probably going to be them picking up a glass, and raising it to their lips.

Have them physically act out the movement, and notice what that’s like.

This increases their focus and moves them more into the experience.

It’s also the beginnings of creating an anchor that we’ll use to fire the entire sequence.

When I do this, I usually pick a specific mug and intentionally attach the anchor to it. This makes it so that I can precisely control when the anchor fires.

3. Build And Intensify The Experience

Ask your subject about the next sensation they experience. On the first cycle, this will be something like the feel of the glass against their lips, the coolness of the drink, the sensation and tastes as it’s in their mouth, a slight shivering in their shoulders, and other similar things.

When we ask the subject for it rather than simply telling them to notice the taste, we are more likely to match their experience.

Have them describe that sensation in as visceral detail as possible.

This causes them to start to relive the experience.

As they are describing it to you, feed back some of their exact words to further intensify the experience.

4. Clear Your Subject’s State

You can do pretty much anything that doesn’t involve the glass or wine for this part. Usually it takes only a few seconds or less.

I usually go with a simple statement like and you can allow those sensations to disappear now, back to normal in every way.

5. Repeat And Bring In The Next Sensation

Have your subject pick up the glass again, bring it to their lips, and then describe the first sensation they experience in vivid detail.

When I do this, I throw in phrases like and you can imagine that intensely now… make it so real that you can almost taste that wine right now.

Work through every sensation they’ve described so far in order, having them build the experience as though it is real.

And then ask them what happens next. Clean language can be a brilliant tool for doing this part.

Have them describe the next sensation in vivid detail.

At some point they will find that they have described all of the sensations.

And they will probably be quite drunk by then.

If they have not yet run out of new sensations to describe, keep repeating the cycle of clearing their state and running the entire sequence from picking up the glass through every sensation and then adding on the next one.

6. Clear The State

Once again, clear the state in the same way as every other cycle.

7. Test The Water Into Wine Anchor

If all is well, by this point the act of your subject lifting their glass to their lips should be a hypnotic trigger that fires the entire process.

They should also be in a fairly solid state of hypnosis if you’ve done enough to elicit details at every step.

Fill their glass with water, tell them that when they take a sip of water they will notice that it’s exactly like their wine now, tell them that they will really notice every detail of this wine when they take their first sip, and then have them take a sip.

Finally, ask them questions about it to reinforce the experience for them even further.

If you have used a unique glass or mug, after a few cycles of testing they should have a very solid trigger that causes them to experience water as if it were wine.

It tends to be a good idea to also give them a trigger to clear the effects. When they are in hypnosis, you can do this by saying something like and you will find that whenever you are drunk like this, you can easily dismiss the effects by simply shaking your head gently.

Then have them shake their head and notice that it clears.

Turn Water Into Wine With Self-Hypnosis

To turn water into wine with self-hypnosis, hypnotize yourself and then create a multi-sensory hallucination of a time you experienced wine. When the sensations are strongest, anchor them to a glass of water. Then clear the state, drink the water, and allow yourself to experience those sensations automatically.

The process that we’ve covered here tends to work significantly better when the hypnotist takes the time to hypnotize themselves first and can go into the target state on demand.

Doing so allows the subject to follow along much more easily, and it also allows the hypnotist to much more accurately judge what’s going on.

So before trying this on someone else, first learn how to hypnotize yourself on demand, run the process on yourself, then lead others through it from that place.

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